Matthias Kunnen


I'm available for hire. If you have a project or inquiry, email me.

Learn more about how projects are built.


Full stack developer


Professional experience developing web platforms using Angular, React Native, TypeScript, SASS, RxJS, and HTML5.


Professional experience with Node using TypeScript, GraphQL, Express, Postgres, MongoDB, MySQL, TypeORM, Sequelize, Mongoose, Mocha, Chai, and Jasmine.

Migrating databases, drawing out database and class diagrams as well as generating said diagrams using Schemacrawler.

Design and UX

While I can probably get away with UX, I tend to leave design to the experts as it is not my forte. A designer can be provided by the client or me should one be required.

DevOps & system architecture

Professional experience designing and implementing the architecture for web platforms on AWS and Heroku. This includes usage of S3, CloudFront, CloudFormation, AWS Lambda, IAM, and AWS Certificate manager.

Developing CI/CD pipelines to test, lint, build, and deploy applications/systems.

Setting up tool chains with Gulp, Gradle, and Angular CLI.


I'm the security fanatic in project teams. I stay up-to-date about current issues and their effect on projects. Related project: Security demo and testing ground .

Other languages and frameworks

C#, ASP.NET, jQuery, PHP, Java, WordPress, Laravel, Zend

Open source contributor

Contributed to Angular, RxJS , TypeORM, TC39, DefinitelyTyped, and several other projects.

I maintain some packages myself, see my GitHub and npm package list.

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